Graphic Design / Design
1. Alex W. White, The Elements of Graphic Design, Allworth Press, 2002
2. DK Holland, Design Issues-(How Graphic Design Informs Society), Allworth Press, 2001
3. Maurice de Sauamarez, Basic design-(The Dynamics of Visual form), The Herbert Press, 1990
4. Lisa Graham, Basics of Design-(Layout & Typography for beginners), Delmar(Thomson Learning Inc.), 2001
5. Michael Bierut/William Drenttel/Steven Heller, Looking Closer Four-(Critical Writings on Graphic Design),
Allworth Press, 2002
6. Robin Williams, The Non-Designer's Design Book-(Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice), Peachpit Press, 2004
7. Alina Wheeler, Designing Brand identity-(A Complete Guide to Creating Building, and Maintaining Strong Brands), WILEY(John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 2003
8. Rick Poynor, No more Rules-(Graphic Design and Postmodernism), Yale University Press, 2003
9. Roy Prentice, Teaching Art and Design-(Addressing Issuse and Identifying Directions), CASSELL, 1995
10. Steven Heller, The Education of a Graphic Designer, Allworth Press/School of Visual Arts, 1998
11. Robin Williams/John Tollett, Robin Williams Design Workshop, Peachpit Press, 2001
12. Steven Heller/Gail Anderson, Graphic Wit-(The Art of Humor in Design), Watson-Guptill Publications, 1991
13. Teal Triggs, Type Design-(Radical Innovations and Experimentation), Harper Design International, 2003
14. Donald A. Norman, Emotional Design-(Why We Love(or Hate) Everyday Things), Basis Books, 2004
15. Steven Heller, Teaching Graphic Design-(Course Offerings and Class Projects form the Leading Graduate and Undergraduate Programs), Allworth Press/School of Visual Arts, 2003
16. Pie Books Editorial Staff, Encyclopedia of Paper-Folding Design, P.I.E Books, 2001
17. Elizabeth Resnick, Design for Communication-(Conceptual Graphic Design basics), WILEY, 2003
18. Jakob Nielsen, Designing Web Usability, New Riders, 2000
19. Alex W. White, The Elements of Graphic Design-(Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type), Allworth Press, 2002
20. Mike Ashby/Kara Johnson, Materials and Design-(The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design), BH(Butterworth Heinemann Publications), 2003
21. Georges Jean, Writing the Story of Alphabets and Scripts-(New Horizons), Thames & Hudson, 2000
22. Edward Denison/Guang Yu Ren, Packaging Prototypes 3 : Thinking Green-(Design Fundamentals),
RotoVision, 2001